And best of all with an extremely high-quality regulator such as the HERO 2.0 including ultra-light, ultra-compact original FIRST STRIKE bottle, which fits perfectly into most shoulder rests such as the Freeflow Stock from FS.

There may be cheaper 300bar systems in this size, but none has the HERO 2.0 regulator built in. Especially with magfed and especially when you play first strike where every shot really counts, it is important that the regulator runs flawlessly and, to put it simply, always delivers the exact same amount of air with every shot. This way, fluctuations in the shot are almost impossible. And only in this way does the shooting of scopes, RedDots etc. make sense at all, especially at longer distances...

Technical data:

  • Length Hero System (including regulator): 23.5 cm
  • Weight Hero System (including regulator): 349 g

Not all bottles are created equal!
HP system not equal to HP system!

It is the most innovative HP system on the market, because it has the very small HERO Reg (successor to the popular "G3" Regs) from the house built an extremely high quality Reg, where you still need a tool to change the filling nipple position. But the best thing about the very light bottles is the fact that they are the only HP bottles that have an UNLIMITED LIFETIME, i.e. you can use them indefinitely (all other HP bottles usually have to be disposed of after 10 or 15 years).

Note: The Hero Reg can also be purchased separately - Click [Here]!